Composition of the knee joint
There are two joints in the knee. There are joints where the knee bone meets the thigh bone (knee bone-thigh bone joint) and joints where the thigh bone meets the calf bone (thigh bone- calf bone joint). If you look closely at the knee-thigh joint, it is contained in the tendon of the femoral quadriceps. In other words, the femoral quadriceps are contributing to the knee joint.
function of the femoral quadriceps
What this femoral quadriceps does is it absorbs the impact of stepping on the ground as they walk. When you run, it functions to exert a very strong force that kicks your body forward, so you can't run well if your femoral quadriceps are weak. When you climb the stairs, in the process of raising your weight with one foot up the stairs, it becomes an impossible action without a muscle strength called femoral quadriceps. What the femoral quadriceps do at the knee joint is not to turn in place when the knee joint is bent and stretched, but to turn back like a cogwheel, which is possible because the knee bone presses strongly from above, and it is said to be in charge of this function. In addition, there is a mass of fat in the large joint in the knee joint, and there is a broad diaphragm pouch, which swells up and goes up and down according to the movement of the knee. A muscle in the femoral quadriceps descends and pulls and releases this synovial sac. When it comes to knee joints, the femoral quadriceps is a very delicate and important task that controls the movement of the thigh bone and calf joints of the knee joints while pulling and dropping the water pocket inside the knee. So the third muscle in our body is this femoral quadriceps.
The reinforcement Movement Act on strengthening movement
To strengthen this, there is a back spinal exercise called Q setting. Among them, I would like to introduce the knee stretching exercise because it is very simple and easy to do at home. This puts a very low burden on the thigh-bellar joint and the knee-thigh joint, but it works very well. However, if you bend your knees more than 50 degrees, the burden will increase, so you should be careful about this part.
How to stretch your knees at home.
Stretch the knees of a rubber band.
1. Sit down and lightly put the rubber band on one ankle that you're trying to exercise.
2. Hold the band long on the other side and step on the outside with the other foot.
3. Then, raise your foot and stretch it out. To increase the intensity of exercise, you can exercise by stepping on it while narrowing the gap between your feet. At this time, it is important to hold the ground strongly with the front beak of the opposite foot to prevent the rubber band from coming up. And if you twist the rubber band, it becomes easy to fix. I exercise by feeling and watching the movement of the femoral quadriceps. You can proceed with both feet about 25 times per set.
Other exercises that are good for your knee health.
In addition to knee stretching, moderate walking exercises cause a slight impact on the knee, strengthening the cartilage and strengthening the femoral quadriceps. If you don't walk because your knees hurt, the muscles that hold your knees will be less irritating and won't function. Maintain a C curve at the waist, straighten your shoulders, and walk with a moderate stride.
Muscle exercises for hip and hind abs.
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